A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
October 20, 2023

CHD Canada Defends Children’s Health and Parental Rights

Parental rights defenders hold CHD Canada's banner in Vancouver, BC.

CHD Canada Defends Children’s Health and Parental Rights at
1 Million March 4 Children

by Jen Berman Diaz

It was one month ago on September 20, 2023, when hundreds of thousands of concerned Canadians participated in the 1 Million March 4 Children. More than 50 rallies and marches were held in cities and towns across Canada. Canadians of all ages and from diverse backgrounds and faiths took to the streets to denounce the sexualization of children and stand up for children’s health and parental rights in our nation’s schools.

CHD Canada's Ontario Team members:
Shari St. Louis (Co-Pres)
Jen Berman Diaz (VP)
Brett Hawes (Ontario Dir)
with Dr. Mark Trozzi in Toronto's Queens Park.

Brett Hawes on stage in Queen's Park, Toronto

At the rally in Toronto, CHD Canada’s Ontario Provincial Director Brett Hawes, a leading functional medicine practitioner, clinical nutritionist, health freedom activist and dad of two, delivered a powerful speech to a loud and passionate, divided crowd in Toronto’s Queen Park.

We were unable to obtain a complete recording of Brett’s speech; however, below are two great clips, as well as the full transcript of his speech.



Why are we here?
Children’s Health and Parental Rights

by Brett Hawes

Here are four points that I want to bring home…


1.) The erosion of parental rights and decision making for our children.
Parents have rights; we are guardians for our children and we have a duty for our children. You cannot remove those rights because that contradicts the UN charter on children’s rights – Children do not have the competent ability and the reasonable capacity to make decisions by themselves. This is International law and cannot be argued with. End of conversation. If you remove parents rights to participate in their child’s well being, what you are doing is putting that child in the care of the state, and whatever their mandates and agenda are!

2.)  We are very concerned about the lack of transparency with the school boards.

Why are other parts of the curriculum shared on Google classroom; however, when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity these things are hidden from parents. We have to find out what’s going on directly from our children.

Why, when we attend school board meetings are our questions and concerns shut down? Why can’t we have an open and inclusive discussion about these topics? How can you promote openness and inclusivity when you are excluding parents?


3.) We are deeply concerned about age-appropriate content being shared in school.

If you shared some of the content that your kids are exposed to in elementary school – if you try to share it on social media – your account will be suspended. We aren’t ruling out discussion on this content, we are saying that at the right time, in development “we” should have this conversation with our children, as PARENTS!


4.) Lastly, we are deeply concerned about the rapid dominance of drugs and surgery that has become front line therapy for children who are suffering to some degree from gender dysphoria.

How is it that we don’t even understand what the root causes of gender dysphoria are? It is still being debated among scientific and medical circles.

We have medical professionals, child psychologists, scientists and doctors who are being silenced for speaking out about this. We have de-transitioners which is a growing community now. These people went through this system, followed the directive and came out on the other side asking, what the heck happened? Where were my parents to help me and counsel me?

If we don’t know what is causing the dysphoria (we can certainly speculate), how do we have the solution? And how is the solution a permanent alteration to your body that renders you sterile? That is irreversible! It is unacceptable, and this is why we parents are advocating for our children.

We are NOT here to exclude any children, we are here to march FOR our children, ALL children. We are marching for our children’s health and our parental rights!  There is a diverse crowd here, and we are on the right side of history!


Brett Hawes is a leading certified functional medicine practitioner, clinical nutritionist, and health freedom activist. He has covered GMOs, vaccine risk awareness, health sovereignty, technocracy, and other controversial topics on his top-ranking podcast, Beyond Health Podcast. He currently serves as Ontario Director for Children’s Health Defense Canada.

Fathers in Winnipeg, Manitoba hold the CHD Canada banner in front of city hall.


Despite a MSM smear campaign to paint concerned parents and organizations like ours as anti-LGBTQ+, the 1 Million March 4 Children movement is growing.  Today, Saturday, October 21st, the Worldwide Stop The War On Children Rally will take place in cities across North America.


Children’s Health Defense Canada stands united with all who are working to safeguard the well-being and innocence of our children and stop the child sexualization, grooming and gender confusion occurring in schools. Defending children’s health and advocating for parental rights will aways be a core part of our mission.


Below are a few articles and resources for parents. We will add to the list as more become available.

Sexually Explicit and Pornographic Books Currently Available in Schools and Libraries across Canada

Blueprint for Canada – Gender Affirmation

Blueprint for Canada – Parental Rights Groups

As tensions rise over “gender-affirming” medical care of trans children in Canada, a new analysis shows that hundreds of teens under 18 have had double mastectomies in the past five years.

How to Protect Your Child From Transgender Lies by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Ontario Petition to “Minister Stephen Lecce: Parents Want Sex-Ed Opt-Out”

Hands Off Our Kids


Thank you for being a Defender of Children, Truth and Freedom! Children’s Health Defense Canada is a certified not-for-profit organization in Canada.  If you find value in the work we do, please consider making a donation. It truly takes a village.