A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
February 12, 2024

Why autism is an electrical illness

Beyond vaccines: the missing link | Tactics mothers can take to prevent and heal autism

Did you know that a mother’s rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory diseases like celiac can elevate a newborn’s risk for autism by 80 to 350%, respectively?1

Did you know that folic acid supplementation can increase the risk of autism?23

Our children may be living lives with more creature comforts than we did by way of technology and convenient meal delivery, yet ironically they suffer more.

Neuro-immune disorders such as autism as well as Alzheimer’s have skyrocketed in the past 30 years, with early-onset dementia becoming more prevalent. Between 1991 and 2010 alone, “death by neurological disease” has increased 663% for women living in the US.4

Autism’s history of radiation

Until 1912, autism had not even been discovered. It wasn’t until 1940, after humans were first exposed to wireless radiation such as the telegraph, radio, radar, and electrification of our homes, for this illness to appear in the medical literature.5

Did you know that the tech boom coincided with a vaccine boom?

Prior to 1980, only microwaves were commercially available in any significant quantity. The general public rapidly adopted other EMF technologies in laptops and cell phones after 1990. EMF use has grown exponentially every year since 1990 in the Western world. This explosive growth curve fits autism growth rates perfectly.

Commercial service on digital cell phones begins in 1996 in all major cities


Back in 1980, 1 in 2,500 children had autism. Today that number is 1 in 44.

After a measles outbreak in 1989–1991, the U.S. Vaccines for Children Program was authorized in 1993 to ensure that eligible children would have free access to all CDC-recommended vaccines.

Vaccines contain metals like aluminum, which are highly reactive to EMF.

Let’s back up even more to the 1950s.

Many new ailments such as Lyme, Legionnaire’s, AIDS, as well as diabetes have exploded since 1950. In the example of diabetes, a metabolic disorder, sugar consumption did not rise at all between 1922-1984, yet rates exploded tenfold.6

In 1997, diabetes cases soared 31% in one year. This is the same year that digital cell phones began commercial service. Digital phones use higher frequencies of 2.45 GHz (what most Wi-Fi runs on). Before 1997, only hybrid digital-analog phones were available commercially, and used frequencies of 850 MHz, which contain less energy per meter. After 1997, cell phones were no longer a luxury and became a commonplace necessity.

Diabetes rates vs EMF Diabetes rates vs EMF
Diabetes and EMF: 4G sees an explosion of cases


Before 1997, rural areas of the US did not have cell towers.7

Here is another example out of Sweden, in a peer-reviewed study conducted by pioneer of EMF research and Professor of Neuroscience at Karolinska Institute Olle Johansson:

In August 1997 the first digital TV transmitter was launched in Sweden. That autumn the first ‘hot-spots’ for mobile connection to the Internet were also introduced to serve traveling executives in hotels, train stations, airports, gas stations etc. 8

“But the real big thing that came into practical use by the whole population was the introduction of the dual-band mobile system. The reason was that the number of available connections in cities was too small for the rapidly increasing demand. GSM 1800 (higher frequency than 1G) offered many more connections in crowded cities and solved the problem.”

-Olle Johansson

Here is a graph from their study showing a marked uptick in negative health outcomes in Sweden beginning in 1997:

“1997 – A curious year in Sweden” Hallberg and Johansson. Source


What does does diabetes have to do with autism?

Both diabetes and autism are disorders of our immune system.9

If you read the previous article on how EMFs disrupt our immune system,

Why are America's dogs dying?

What is a neuro-immune disorder?

These types of disorders affect all people of all ages and up to 30 percent of the US population.11 Examples include: seizures, vertigo, anxiety, depression, and ADHD, to name a few. Autism and Alzheimer’s are two major neuro-immune disorders.

By disrupting our MHC1 gene, wireless radiation can not only put us in a chronically-stressed state, but can also decrease our amount of microglia in the central nervous system.12

In the brain, there are 3 main glial cell types that support neurons to keep our brain healthy: a) astrocytes help communication between neurons, b) oligodendrocytes create conditions for the information to be transmitted faster, and c) microglia act as the immune system of the brain. Source

Microglia are our brain’s protectors, and help facilitate communication of immune cells across our blood-brain barrier so that they can clean up toxins.

For example, microglia remove neurons that don’t communicate properly, thus ensuring that information transfer between neurons is not interrupted. These also help clean up clumps of abnormally shaped proteins that accumulate and are associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.13

The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) is a selective wall of cells and surrounding blood vessels that protects the brain from foreign invaders by preventing their entry. Some small invaders can pass through, but the immune cells that fight them in the rest of the body cannot. Instead, microglia act as the immune cells of the brain. Inactive microglia (in yellow) survey the environment. When they detect invaders, they become activated (in orange) and change their shape by flattening and shortening their arms so that they can clean up the invaders. Source

Our blood-brain barrier (BBB) is not easily crossed, however is made more permeable by EMFs such as Wi-Fi and other sources. Increased permeability of this barrier has been found in those with autism. As far back as 1970, Allan H. Frey conducted research for the US Navy and found that EMFs allow other environmental toxins to leak through our BBB.

We are all exposed to these fields daily, even without Wi-Fi 14, as our laptop chargers and electricity in our walls creates pulses of electricity, which can also render our BBB more permeable if not addressed through vital EMF reduction strategies.

EMFs from standard AM radio are typically less harmful, as they exhibit a continuous wave pattern that our cells can more easily absorb than the pulsed-wave pattern of our wireless devices.

Our bodies have a harder time “reading” the pulsed frequencies. Pulsed frequencies are like hearing a machine gun, versus a continuous rifle.

Continuous vs Pulsed EMF:

Wi-Fi and power outlets pulse like a cellular tsunami

How does light shape autism?

The autistic tend to have sleep disorders and are sensitive to touch, light, and sound. They also tend to have less melanin in their skin15 and retina.16 The presence of melanin pigment in an embryo’s retina is the signal that initiates how our nervous system wires itself from our eyes to our hormonal master clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), and from the SCN deep into our brain. The SCN controls our circadian rhythms, and our pupillary response to bright light.

Melanin is also located in the cochlea of our ear, and allows us to convert light into sound we can hear.17  Brain surgeons like

Jack Kruse believe that when the melanin pigment is not created correctly at birth, this can lead humans and other species to exhibit atavism, where traits of distant ancestors can reappear in the modern day. Early primates were loners, and social networking became a big trait later on in the evolutionary history of the primate. This could be why those with autism exhibit symptoms of anti-social behavior.

“Insufficient coding for retinal pigment launches an earlier, more stable genetic package directing a different targeting of optic neurons and this results in autism.”

-Jack Kruse, M.D.

Personally I’m not sure, but the link between light and the evolution of species is one that is often ignored, as time gets center stage.

What does E = mchave to do with autism?

Energy = mass X speed of light squared

I believe if we can get the autistic to change their light environment, by absorbing full spectrum Sunlight along with more near-infrared, and eliminating artificial blue light, we can increase the viability of their melanin, which acts as an antioxidant powerhouse.

Isn’t it fascinating how light and Father Time are directly related?

Time eats our light during the day, only to then give it back the next morning, after it has slowed down in our brains enough to fill the timeless void of our dreams. But I digress…

Have you ever stopped to think how and why at different times of the day, the light from our Sun changes?

Assuming the speed of light (c) stays constant (father Time is constantly on our case) in order to increase energy (E) in this equation, we would need to increase mass.

My perspective is that we increase the amount of skin (water in the mitochondrial matrix) we expose to light in the form of near-infrared photons and sunlight.

The Sun’s light is constant, yet its wavelengths (energy) are variable. For instance, water creates perfect hydrogen bonds, which our bodies can then use to optimize our nervous system at 3000 nanometers (infrared wavelength).

Infrared light at 3000nm, builds the EZ (exclusion zone) of water, and drives the battery of our cells by creating more charge separation. (Pollack)

Let’s stop building hydrogen bombs, and start building structured water in our cells. This way we can make Father Time fill up on water (a glass of water slows light down) so he’s less hungry for our energy!

How folic acid supplements may create autism

Natural folate is needed in the brain for the synthesis of crucial brain chemicals such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.

However, folic acid (the synthetic version of folate) is not absorbed the same way, and needs to be converted by our livers, which may not always happen correctly as gene mutations may occur during the process.18

Studies have also indicated that expecting mothers who supplement with folic acid put their newborns at an increased risk of autism.19 Could this be why the autistic become poor absorbers of ultraviolet radiation, as metabolic pathways like the one shown below get disrupted?

Natural folate is also destroyed by intense UV-A and UV-C sunlight.  Could this be nature’s way of telling us we don’t need folate during the hotter months?

Dark skin protects the stores we have, but there is now proof that folate levels are designed to be low when the solar radiation is strong in the local environment.

UV: The first supplement every mom needs

This is another reason why I believe the autistic could benefit with more infrared light, as this wavelength helps build darker skin20 so that it can absorb more UVB, along with melanin and folate as a result.

The autistic also need a way to absorb UV-B, so that they can make vitamin D. Having the right amount of LDL cholesterol is also crucial for this process to occur.

Note: those of us in developed nations are now ingesting excess folates in three ways: as natural folates from food, synthetic folic acid added to processed grains and synthetic vitamin supplements.

A less-is-more strategy for autism

1.Reduce EMF to support heavy metal detox

Practitioners like Dietrich Klinghardt, who have helped countless families with autisitc children, have discovered that reducing EMF in the home is a potent tactic in reducing symptoms. When wireless radiation is reduced, this allows our bodies to detoxify heavy metals at a faster rate than with wireless EMF present.21

In a pilot study conducted by Klinghardt in Seattle (a Big Tech hub), he tested the body voltage of mothers in their bedroom, and showed that neurologically impaired children had readings that were 8.5 x higher than average. The study suggested that EMFs in the bedroom “may be the undiscovered key contributing – if not causative – factor in neurological impairments in children, including autism.”:

Klinghardt body voltage pilot study (WA)

This is why taking our body voltage readings in our bedroom is a keystone EMF mitigation tactic.

We need to get back to the basics first, so that we can create a sleep sanctuary that is free of EMF. There are many ways we can do this, but at the very least we can begin by shutting off power to our bedroom.

One particular reason to avoid RF radiation exposure during pregnancy is that an embryo or fetus may not be fully protected by amniotic fluid for extended periods of time due to the natural movement of the embryo or fetus within the womb.

Secondly, the pelvic structure promotes deep RF radiation penetration and that radiation can be absorbed within the developing embryo or fetus. Do not keep your phone on your lap.

Consider this: if you need to have a phone to stay in touch, or you need it to work “for a living”, ask yourself how much it’s contributing to your actual “living”? Many people have informed me how their lives have improved without a cell phone, but we’ve been programmed to believe the opposite.

2. Ground

Get outside and walk barefoot on the ground at a park, or by a body of water (water is an electrical insulator). If you’re in the city, bring the Earth to you by drinking diatomaceous earth or bentonite clay. This will increase your body’s response to electromagnetic stress, as clay can insulate our cells from EMF by building a cushion of structured water around our cells.

3. Supplement with light

Get tons of AM sunlight, as well as near infrared (NIR), which will increase subcellular melatonin. Even the fetus will absorb NIR, and create melatonin.

  1. Supplement with supplements (that work)

I follow Dietrich Klinghardt’s heavy metal detox protocol, and added some of my own twists. Not all of my routine is included here. I like to take:

  • Chlorella 30 minutes before a meal, or mixed with some coconut cream for a ketogenic protein that lasts and keeps my blood sugar stable.
  • Cilantro tincture (homemade, in vodka) – this I take with chlorella, but only after taking chlorella for about 3 weeks, as cilantro can pull out toxins too quickly and then redistribute them into tissues where they can do more damage. Chlorella helps purify the blood beforehand, and prime our system for further detox. * This is a powerful detox protocol – consider speaking to your naturopath before proceeding.
  • Pau d’arco bark tea – this helps us increase stores of NADH, which allows us to decrease inflammation by donating hydrogen electrons to cellular processes that need them most. More info on NADH can be found here. I steep the bark overnight and then either drink the water first thing in the morning, or blend it into my smoothie along with some lemon juice and water before adding other ingredients, so that I don’t destroy the bark’s beneficial compounds (citric acid prevents oxidation).
left to right: Pau d’arco bark tea, chlorella, cilantro tincture

A reflection:

In a day and age where we aimlessly peruse our ‘self-checked out’ aisle…

self-absorbed with the numbing comforts of our artificial light

maybe the Gods are trying to tell us…

Not to gaze into the abyss of our ego

But let our soul shine as our eyes reach for the sky.

autism (n.)

coined in 1912 by Swiss psychiatrist Paul Bleuler from Greek autos “self” (see auto-) + -ismos suffix of action or of state (see -ism). The notion is of “morbid self-absorption.”

We are more powerful than we know,

Roman Shapoval




Atladóttir HO, Pedersen MG, Thorsen P, Mortensen PB, Deleuran B, Eaton WW, Parner ET. Association of family history of autoimmune diseases and autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics. 2009 Aug;124(2):687-94. doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-2445. Epub 2009 Jul 5. PMID: 19581261.


Wiens D., DeWitt A., Kosar M., Underriner C., Finsand M., Freese M. Influence of Folic Acid on Neural Connectivity during Dorsal Root Ganglia Neurogenesis. Cells Tissues Organs. 2016;201:342–353. doi: 10.1159/000444389.


Wiens D, DeSoto MC. Is High Folic Acid Intake a Risk Factor for Autism?-A Review. Brain Sci. 2017 Nov 10;7(11):149. doi: 10.3390/brainsci7110149. PMID: 29125540; PMCID: PMC5704156.


Neurological deaths of American adults (55–74) and the over 75’s by sex compared with 20 Western countries 1989–2010: Cause for concern” Colin Pritchard,Emily Rosenorn-LanngSurgNeurolInt23-Jul-2015;6:123



Stephan Guyenet and Jeremy Landen, Whole Health Source


Firstenberg, A. The Invisible Rainbow, 2017.


Hallberg O¨ , Johansson O (2004). Say to Countryside Goodbye When Even Healthy People Die (Chapter 2). Sjukfusk och prostatacancer, Karolinska Institute, Report 6.




al-Daccak R, Mehindate K, Poubelle PE, Mourad W. Signalling via MHC class II molecules selectively induces IL-1 beta over IL-1 receptor antagonist gene expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1994 Jun 15;201(2):855-60. doi: 10.1006/bbrc.1994.1779. PMID: 8003022.



Bakare MO, Munir KM, Kinney DK. Association of hypomelanotic skin disorders with autism: links to possible etiologic role of vitamin-D levels in autism? Hypothesis (Tor). 2011 Sep;9(1):e2. doi: 10.5779/hypothesis.v9i1.200. PMID: 21949515; PMCID: PMC3177756.


How Airpods Cause Brain Damage

How Airpods Cause Brain Damage



Hoxha, Bianka & Hoxha, Malvina & Domi, Elisa & Gervasoni, Jacopo & Persichilli, Silvia & Malaj, Visar & Zappacosta, Bruno. (2021). Folic Acid and Autism: A Systematic Review of the Current State of Knowledge. Cells. 10. 10.3390/cells10081976.


How to EMF-proof our skin

JULY 3, 2023
How to EMF-proof our skin

Here’s what you’ll learn in this article: 1. Why AM Sunlight is better than PM 2. How do we get a healthy tan? 3. The role of filaggrin: melanin for pale people 4. How infrared light heals our body 5. The benefits of UV 6. How can we eat our sunscreen?

Read full story



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