A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
May 30, 2023

Back To Basics: GMOs 101

In our Back To Basics Series, we are starting from the very beginning for those of you who are new to all sorts of health related topics and making it as easy as possible to understand. In our current times of being bombarded by conflicting information, we want to bring you ways to simply understand the topics that drastically affect your health and that of your family members.

In this GMOs 101 presentation, CHDC President Amanda Forbes sits down with Howard Vlieger to discuss genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food system.

Howard has been a ‘student of the soil’ since 1989. He has been a crop nutrition adviser and has founded two companies to help family farmers reduce their dependency on chemical-based farming and transition to biological and/or organic production. Howard now works and teaches as an independent crop nutrition advisor, helping both crop and livestock farmers all across the United States.

Howard works with scientists and researchers around the world to develop effective solutions, based on the latest science, for the real-life problems farmers are experiencing because of genetically modified crops and glyphosate herbicides. Howard is a co-author and the primary coordinator of a first of its kind scientific study: the feeding of GMO grain and non-GMO grain to hogs for their lifetime as a meat animal. Howard is an internationally recognized speaker on the topic of GMOs.


Feel free to email Howard with any questions you may have about his presentation at [email protected].  And, stay tuned as our next conversation in the Back to Basics Series will be Glyphosate 101.


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