A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
June 19, 2023

A Conversation with Mikki Willis – Creator of Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening

A Conversation with Mikki Willis – Creator of Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening

After taking a hiatus to care for her parents, particularly her critically ill father, CHD Canada’s Alberta Provincial Director Sherry Strong returns with another thought-provoking conversation, focused on offering solutions for viewers, not more problems.  Today Sherry chats with award-winning American filmmaker Mikki Willis.


Mikki Willis attained global notoriety with his Plandemic film series, culminating in The Great Awakening which shines light on how we ended up here and where we are headed if we don’t evolve to a more enlightened way of being, interpreted by Strong.

In this conversation, Mikki shares some deeply personal insights into what is happening in the world and what he believes we must all personally do to move past the current mass hypnosis and nefarious agenda behind it.

“‘Plandemic 3:  The Great Awakening‘ is illuminating and inspiring, and I’ll be watching it again myself,” said Strong, “as I know his insights are worth inculcating on deeper and deeper levels.”

Please share the film with friends and family, and support Mikki’s work at as it allows him and his team to continue producing game-changing content for the betterment of humanity.

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