Canadian Open Letter: A Call to Halt the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

Fluoridation Linked to Lower Child IQ, New Studies Show

WATCH Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill

Instagram Giveaway from A. Vogel Canada

Keep Cash Alive in Canada: Bill C-400

Are Vaccine Passports Just Around the Corner? US/Canada/Mexico Pandemic Preparedness Initiative Raises Concerns

25 Reasons to Avoid the Gardasil Vaccine

New Study Links Maternal Pesticide Exposure to Higher Rates of Spontaneous Abortion

UN’s “Pact for the Future”: A Threat to Canadian Sovereignty and Health Freedom?

October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month

Federal Government Launches New Pandemic Preparedness Agency — “Health Emergency Readiness Canada”

CHD’s Power To the People Summit

Be Back-to-School Ready with a Strong Immune System!

Shawn Buckley: Charter Of Health Freedom

Call for Volunteers

NCI Petition: Neither Safe Nor Effective